
Available Payments:

Game: Lineage 2
Seller: {{product.sellername}}
Date: {{product.date}}
{{ucfirst(key)}}: {{val}}
Views: {{product.views}}
{{reviews_count}} reviews
The unique full-screen website HTML Template for the Lineage 2 game server is perfect for attracting players to L2 game on your server. The HTML Template includes the following pages: Main promo page with viewing L2 video clip, game download and update page, L2 server news page, game feature page, media page and registration page. Additionally it has a mobile friendly adatpive version of html templage.
Please read about File Types before choosing and buying items.

Unique Buying:

This template is new and has never been sold before so you can buy out a template in our store at an unique price. This means that this template will be removed from all future sales in our store. Also all other products of this series will be attached to your purchase.

Basic Package:

You can add to your order additional blocks, modules and pages. A full list of additional materials for this template is given below.

Additional Pages:

Forum Community:

Other Additions:


We draw your attention to the fact that all purchases that exceed the amount of ${{(product.packages_sum / 2 * priceMultiply).toFixed(2)}} are permanent discounts. Calculation of discounts you can see below:
Your amount
$ {{(product.packages_sum / 2 * priceMultiply).toFixed(2)}}
$ {{(product.packages_sum * priceMultiply).toFixed(2)}}
$ {{(totalSum * priceMultiply).toFixed(2)}}

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$ {{(product.price * priceMultiply).toFixed()}}
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$ {{(totalSum * priceMultiply).toFixed(2)}}
Total sum:
$ {{((discountSum || totalSum) * priceMultiply).toFixed(2)}}